Thursday, November 12, 2009

Ground Hog Day and other Random Thoughts

  • There's something my crew at work has noticed lately...  at certain times it seems we are experiencing ground hog day,( like in the movie).  For all the world it feels like ground-hog day for us but not them. Every day seems to be a bright, shiny, new thing and we patiently wait for them to "re-experience" the world around them and ask the same questions they asked last week.What's even stranger, and to the credit of my crew, we aren't upset by this at all, rather we find it mildly amusing, perplexing, but amusing still..
  • There seem to be vastly differing opinions circulating on the safety and efficacy of home-made scaffolding. I've heard several people this week discussing methods and tactics. I will leave you to your own judgement and personal level of "risk adverse-ness".
  • Oh, The Places You'll Go by Dr. Suess... I love this book... I paraphrase it a little when talking to my boys... such as "You've got what it takes, with your head full of brains and your shoes full of feet."  Not even a close second to Scripture, but there's some handy stuff in there...
  • We need a different  blog label other than Random Thoughts. A cursory glance at Chaos theory and Fractal Geometry may lead us to believe there is no such thing as "Random"... (sorry kids.  I know "that's so not random" won't have the same ring to it.)  I just somehow knew that there was no such thing as luck.

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