So... I thought I should my first post should be something paradigm shifting, provocative and entirely cool. That just isn't gonna happen this late on a Sunday. Sunday's are huge for my family and all that's happening at the homestead tonight is my wife relaxing on the couch recovering from a particularly busy weekend. The kids are asleep (the youngest fell asleep on the couch right after dinner)
This morning started with a fog drenched drive to open the church building and get things ready for an early practice with the rest of the worship team. Worship went great, the vocals were tight and the band played well. Our minister delivered the Word with the usual high marks for solid biblical doctrine and several familys went to eat lunch together to enjoy the company of friends from out of town (that I was pleased to have stay with us).
That's it! That's mostly what I'm about, God, Family, Friends and Music . I'm sure my blog won't stray too far from that... I'll save the paradigm shifting, provocative and cool for later.