- Some very good (maybe even excellent) stuff on worship at: www.worshipmatters.com I would greatly encourage you to check out Bob Kauflin's posts. Here's a snippet: "We will reap what we sow when we lead people to worship God as well. If we sow to musical experiences, we’ll reap a desire for better sounds, cooler progressions, and more creative arrangements. If we sow to feelings, we’ll reap meetings driven by the pursuit of emotional highs. On the other hand, if we want people to glorify God, we must sow to His glory. We must paint a compelling, attractive, grand, biblical picture of our great God and Savior."-Amen brother
- I am trying to sell some stuff on ebay, wow what a hassle. No wonder Craig's List is successful. Anyone need a handful of 5meter single-mode simplex 9/125micron SC-SC fiber-optic jumpers?!?! Anyone...? (crickets, crickets, crickets) They're yellow... (crickets, crickets, crickets) just as I feared.
- I continue to baffle my office mate by being a Christian that doesn't slide easily into the pigeon hole that he has prepared for me. I think it is mainly due to my unwillingness to die on any sword other than the one Christ has prepared for me in his Gospel. If my office mate regards me, I want it to be in the context of my Christ-follower-ness (yikes!), not my "conservative" views, my midwestern sensibilities, or my snappy attire. :) He has declared me to be "not in the norm" and I find that deeply satisfying... and I hope the LORD finds that satisfying as well.
- As I sit here, a flower that my wife has placed in the vase on our kitchen table is opening up and I am reminded of Sherlock Holmes and it is worth your time to find out why. I will leave you with that little mystery to uncover for yourself with only this clue... "What a lovely thing a rose is..."
Random Thoughts 6/5/14
10 years ago